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Решил плюнуть в полицейского и тут же пожалел об этом

Решил плюнуть в полицейского и тут же пожалел об этом

В штате Индиана, США, задержанный мужчина решил выразить своё отношение к одному из полицейских с помощью плевка. Зря!
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camelhost 6 лет назад
за репост взяли
Go4s2 6 лет назад
и еще один "геройский" поступок от ментов...заплевали бы его и все, зато по честному. только и умеют, что бить связанный да пьяных.
Трофим Бричкин 6 лет назад
ELKHART, Ind. -- Two officers have been charged with battery following an internal investigation and a review by the Elkhart County Prosecutor's Office into the use of force against a suspect.

On January 12, Elkhart Police responded to multiple calls about a domestic battery in progress.

When officers arrived on the scene, they arrested the suspect was taken into custody for felony domestic battery in front of a child, battery on a police officer, public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and resisting law enforcement.

While he was being booked, the suspect spit at Corporal Cory Newland, reports said.

Newland and Corporal Joshua Titus then used force to control the suspect, reports said.

While reviewing the incident police administration determined the officers used excessive force. The investigation was turned over to the Elkhart County Prosecutor's Office for further review on October 26.

On November 2, the prosecutor's office informed the department both officers would be charged with criminal battery, a class A misdemeanor.

Both officers have been put on administrative leave pending the outcome of the criminal case.

Correction: We incorrectly stated the officers were arrested and charged. The story has been changed to reflect that the officers were charged but not arrested.
Александр А1 6 лет назад
Да видно же на видео, как сам подскользнулся и упал...
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